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Testing Schnorr's factorization claim in Sage

Language: Sage

Here's an implementation of Schnorr's algorithm with an attempt to estimate the amount of work needed to factorize big numbers: https://github.com/lducas/SchnorrGate

It also contains some links to critique of the Schnorr's algorithm paper. It looks like either much more p_n-smooth integer pairs are needed or the size of the p_n-smooth integers should be much bigger than estimated by original Schnorr's paper. Or both estimations are off.

As the paper discussed Schneier relies on the assumptions of the (classic) Schnorr's algorithm, it may also be off in the calculations as well.

See also: https://github.com/lducas/SchnorrGate an implementation in Sage Math.
Here's the paper implemented in Sage for anyone interested in running it: https://github.com/lducas/SchnorrGate
Here we have Léo Ducas testing Schnorr's new method in Sage: https://github.com/lducas/SchnorrGate

Apparently, "[t]his suggest that the approach may be sensible, but that not all short vectors give rise to factoring relations, and that obtaining a sufficient success rate requires much larger lattice dimension than claimed in [Sch21]."