What does HackerNews think of ldc?

The LLVM-based D Compiler.

Language: D

#17 in Compiler
Glad to hear that you'd like to try! You can report issues at https://github.com/felixonmars/archriscv-packages

ldc refers to the LLVM-based D Compiler: https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc

David Nadlinger, the photographer, is an avid contributor to the D programming language[1]. He works on LDC compiler[2], the LLVM backend for D.

[1] http://klickverbot.at/

[2] https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc

IDK about Cython, but I remember a blog post using Python's AST reflection to jit to LLVM ->NVPTX -> PTX. It's relatively simple to do, I've done it for LDC/D/DCompute[1,2,3]. It's a little tricker if you want to be able to express shared memory surfaces & textures, but it should still be doable.

[1] https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc [2] dlang.org [3] http://github.com/libmir/dcompute

Yeah, but there are the GDC [1] and LDC [2] implementations, which AFAIK uses their respective (open source) backends, so that should really not be a problem IMO ...

[1] http://gdcgnu.sourceforge.net/ [2] https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc

(In my tests, they are also mostly the fastest ones, especially LDC ... see for example my comparisons in http://saml.rilspace.org/moar-languagez-gc-content-in-python... ... D with LDC is among the top contenders, together with various optimized C versions ...)