What does HackerNews think of python?
Official Python client library for kubernetes
Why not just use the official python kubernetes client?
Could you explain why helm is garbage? I think it suits its purpose rather well without being too complex. You can essentially "plug-in" different types of resources rather easily. Especially in v3 now that you don't need to install Tiller and can avoid setting those cluster permission requirements.
Have you tried some Kubernetes api libraries? You can generate and configure resources with [python kubernetes-client](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python) without much trouble. Personally I prefer editing them as JSON instead of python objects, but it isn't too bad.
The python one is a good example: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python
This is auto generated from a swagger API spec. Of course the intent is that you define your service and launch it with the client, but if you want a yaml file you can dump the objects to yaml - it would be far better than templating.