What does HackerNews think of mark?

Sync your markdown files with Confluence pages.

Language: Go

#20 in Markdown
We use Mark[1] to automatically create Confluence pages from Markdown documents in our git repos. So we can have a review process for documentation changes, the documentation of the code can be in the repo with the code, and yet it can still be accessed without having to give permissions to view the code repo! Helpful with a proprietary monorepo.

[1] https://github.com/kovetskiy/mark

I used https://github.com/kovetskiy/mark at my last job where I had to use Confluence. It wasn't perfect and some touchup was generally needed after a sync but it definitely helped me stay sane.
Because of this we've implemented a tool called `mark` [1], which allows to write articles in markdown and render them as native Confluence pages.

If you're interested in having self-hosted service for that, just drop us an e-mail here [2].

[1]: https://github.com/kovetskiy/mark/ [2]: https://mark.reconquest.io/