What does HackerNews think of bytehound?

A memory profiler for Linux.

Language: C

> Once you’re calling malloc/free hundreds of thousands of times a second the overheard of jumping into the kernel every time cripples performance.

Shameless plug in case you (or anyone else) is interested, I wrote a memory profiler for exactly this usecase:


It's definitely not perfect, but it's relatively fast, has an okay-ish GUI, and it's even scriptable: https://koute.github.io/bytehound/memory_leak_analysis.html

Hmm, took a look (it's called Bytehound now), it has no PKGBUILD nor a `cargo install` crate so I can't install it in systemwide or user PATH, and requires Yarn to download and build JS dependencies (likely hundreds or thousands).

I tried `cargo install --git https://github.com/koute/bytehound.git`, but that results in "error: multiple packages with binaries found: bytehound-cli, bytehound-gather, interrupt, linking, lz4-compress, simulation".

For the time being I'll stick with heaptrack.