What does HackerNews think of cargo-edit?
A utility for managing cargo dependencies from the command line.
Command line interface
Speaking of cargo remove, see also cargo-edit [0] from which adding and removing originally came, as well as cargo-binstall [1] which installs binaries rather than compiling from source every time. The binaries are updatable with cargo-update [2].
The latter two can replace a package manager for Rust related utilities, as I often find that those in OS package repositories are often not as up to date as directly from cargo.
[0] https://github.com/killercup/cargo-edit
> Use Cargo.toml instead of package.json. You’ll want to add them manually (instead of using a command like yarn add)
The cargo-edit tool gives you yarn-like commands to edit your packages. The main command, "cargo add", will be integrated into mainline cargo next update (I think).
`cargo-outdated` is mint. If you haven't already, consider installing `cargo-edit` too! It adds `cargo add`/`cargo rm` to add/remove crates, as well as `cargo upgrade` to bump semver versions.
I'll add to this cargo-edit [0] which lets you add, remove and update dependencies from terminal. Small additions to cargo but huge timesavers.