What does HackerNews think of genanki?
A Python 3 library for generating Anki decks
2. Set aside a dedicated block of time to drill every day, about 30 minutes to an hour is sufficient. Try to build it into your day, for example I drill Anki flashcards while commuting to work on the bus.
3. Just keep persisting at it and turn it into a habit. Create a trigger to remind yourself to perform the habit every day (eg: maybe a reminder post-it or poster on your wall), and reward yourself (maybe with a snack like some chocolates or juice) when you complete the 30 minutes of drilling to make you look forward to the next session.
4. Recognize that forgetting is natural, but there are ways to minimize the losses. I like the idea of paraphrasing key concepts into Evergreen Notes (https://notes.andymatuschak.org/Evergreen_notes) based on what I've read, and occasionally reviewing those.
5. Eventually create your own Anki decks, using tools mentioned in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32397162 like https://github.com/kerrickstaley/genanki or https://github.com/ankicommunity/ankidown/
I see your project uses import-from-csv to get cards into Anki -- you can make this significantly more user-friendly by utilizing the genanki Python package [0]. It spits out an apkg for you that you can just double-click on and import. The other side benefit is that you can keep a stable ID of the same cards over time, which means that if you want to eg update the structure or styling of already-exported notes, it is very easy to do so.
[1] https://github.com/kerrickstaley/genanki
[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/Anki/comments/g0zgyc/spotify_anki_l...
I began a feeble attempt at a lib for my own purposes, but I had to take Anki db structs a little at a time just to keep my frustration in check.
There are in fact some libs for writing Anki data: https://github.com/kerrickstaley/genanki and maybe https://github.com/patarapolw/AnkiTools — but genanki, while looking quite good for one-time generation, doesn't seem to be able to update notes.
Afaik Anki itself does include Python libs for creating and manipulating db records, which can be used in third-party scripts—however dunno if they work without the full app running, and on top of that I personally keep trying to use Lua, since it runs circles around Python in terms of speed.