What does HackerNews think of minimodem?

general-purpose software audio FSK modem

Language: C

Cool! I like minimodem: https://github.com/kamalmostafa/minimodem and heard from someone who compiled it on termux. Would love if ggwave allowed to chose encoding.

It would be nice if ggwave made a apk available or published on f-droid.

I was thinking the same. Minimodem[1] turns devices into FSK communication devices. Analogous to transferring information via dial-up.

[1] https://github.com/kamalmostafa/minimodem

Awesome project. I used a similar program (minimodem[1]) a while ago to configure Wi-Fi settings via audio [2]. It's great being able to do some basic setting without having a radio connection. Amazon used the same technique in their Dash-Button albeit in the inaudible range [3].

[1] https://github.com/kamalmostafa/minimodem [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfSHclXjobY [3] http://www.blog.jay-greco.com/wp/?p=116

I've been working on open-source balloon control software [1] for my own balloon project that I've been building on/off for about six years. I am hoping to use a software modem to bridge between the RF and my AX.25 packet reader/writer [2] because I wanted to save weight. Payload weight is the name of the game in the balloon hobby--the lighter your payload, the less you have to inflate your balloon and the higher it will fly before it bursts. Even an ounce matters and the competitive altitude record balloons are invariably tiny, single-board, all-in-one payloads that are built around a single low-power microcontroller.

There are a couple of good open source options for software-based AFSK APRS modem/TNCs:

Dire Wolf: https://github.com/wb2osz/direwolf minimodem: https://github.com/kamalmostafa/minimodem

You'll still need a USB sound card though, which adds weight and cabling. I would love to see some open-source SBC hardware a la Beaglebone Black or RasPi that had a high-quality sound card built onto the board and wired through a Molex-type plug that was suitable to the bumps and bounces of flying.

[1] https://github.com/chrissnell/GoBalloon -- This was my first project in Go and while it works well, it now looks pretty ugly to me with a year and a half of Go experience under my belt.

[2] https://github.com/chrissnell/GoBalloon/blob/master/ax25/dec...