What does HackerNews think of jupyterlab-git?

A Git extension for JupyterLab

Language: TypeScript

We all know .ipynb JSON format is not a great fit for Git. The Jupyter ecosystem has come a long way in the last few years. Solving this really comes down to a few tools -

- JupyterLab Git Extension[1] for local diffs (pre-commit diffs)

- nbdime[2] / nbdev[3] for resolving .ipynb git merge conflicts

- GitHub PR code reviews with ReviewNB[4]

- Alternatively, if you don't care about cell outputs then Jupytext[5] to sync .ipynb JSON to markdown

Disclaimer: I built ReviewNB. It's a completely bootstrapped business, 5 years in the making and now used by leading DS teams at Meta, AWS, NASA JPL, AirBnB, Lyft, Affirm, AMD, Microsoft & more[6] for Jupyter Notebook code reviews on GitHub / Bitbucket.

[1] https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-git

[2] https://nbdime.readthedocs.io

[3] https://nbdev.fast.ai

[4] https://www.reviewnb.com

[5] https://github.com/mwouts/jupytext

[6] https://www.reviewnb.com/#customers

I use this plugin for my jupyter notebook git integration. It has a git diff option that's useful but gets very slow for complex documents. Perhaps under the hood it's using one of the other tools mentioned in the postscript.


Edit: Looking at the source, it does appear to use nbdime under the hood.

Here are tools people commonly use for notebook version control with git -

[1] nbdime to view local diffs & merge changes

[2] jupytext for 2-way sync between notebook & markdown/scripts

[3] JupyterLab git extension for git clone / pull / push & see visual diffs

[4] Jupyerlab gitplus to create GitHub PRs from JupyterLab

[5] ReviewNB for reviewing & diff'ing notebook PRs / Commits on GitHub

Disclaimer: While I’m the author of last two (GitPlus & ReviewNB), I’ve represented the overall landscape in an unbiased way. I've been working on this specific problem for 3+ years & regularly talk to teams who use GitHub with notebooks.

[1] https://nbdime.readthedocs.io

[2] https://jupytext.readthedocs.io

[3] https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-git

[4] https://github.com/ReviewNB/jupyterlab-gitplus

[5] https://www.reviewnb.com/