What does HackerNews think of chrome-utm-stripper?
Browser extension that strips Google Analytics (UTM) parameters, and various other click tracking tokens, from URL query strings
If anyone else wants to strip URLs of tracking and referral codes automatically, I use: https://github.com/jparise/chrome-utm-stripper
I didn't know about "gclid=...", and "fbid=..." in URLS. After reading your post, I found an extension to remove them:
With easily installable packages available for Chromium and Firefox:
and source here:
This part [2] removes the UTM parameters from the links in certain websites.
However, I stopped updating the extension when I switched to Safari some time ago.
I used to use this one [3] which was actually my inspiration to create my own project.
[1] https://github.com/cixtor/markasread
[2] https://github.com/cixtor/markasread/blob/08726ce/markasread...