What does HackerNews think of NimForUE?

Nim plugin for UE5 with native performance, hot reloading and full interop that sits between C++ and Blueprints. This allows you to do common UE workflows like for example to extend any UE class in Nim and extending it again in Blueprint if you wish so without restarting the editor. The final aim is to be able to do in Nim what you can do in C++

Language: Nim

#4 in Nim
For people scared off by C++ and who want faster recompile times, check out the Nim bindings [0]. Check out his Twitter/X account [1] for plenty of cool things it brings to the table.

[0]: https://github.com/jmgomez/NimForUE

[1]: https://twitter.com/_jmgomez_

I started using Nim because i wanted to port some of machine learning models written in python with the idea of making them more portable. It was a lot of work as community is relatively small and a new user would end up writing a lot of code.

But Nim has a pretty solid standard library with clearly written code and an awesome community to help with problems. I generally read a lot of standard library code to expand my knowledge of language and discover common patterns which repeat themselves in a lot of real world problems.

C inter-op is really first class, and as far as i know it has one of best C++ inter-op as well, you can take a look at: https://github.com/jmgomez/NimForUE for a real world example.

I use Nim for my work in both professional and personal capacity and also have written about some of it at https://ramanlabs.in/static/blog/index.html

I think Nim is a bit younger, and took a while to find it's core features. It also now has better support for multithreading with arc/orc. It has a chance at slow and steady growth. It's maybe not the best at anything though it is well rounded, but mainlyfor me brings back a joy in programming.

Nim has excellent C++ FFI. It's not perfect, but capable of wrapping C++ templates, calling constructors, and virtual methods. Though it can be a pain dealing with inner template types and consts. Here's a larger example of C++ interfacing with Unreal Engine: https://github.com/jmgomez/NimForUE

Nim rocks and the ecosystem has made some great strides lately. I highly recommend checking it out

One awesome project is https://github.com/jmgomez/NimForUE