What does HackerNews think of physical-bitcoin-attacks?

A list of known attacks against Bitcoin / crypto asset owning entities that occurred in meatspace.

Obligatory $5 wrench xkcd: https://xkcd.com/538/

Still, physically threatening/kidnapping somebody is an entirely different threat model, although it's very common in the Bitcoin world: https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bitcoin-attacks

To avoid getting kidnapped and tortured because your crypto portfolio is visible to everyone?

There are plenty of examples of that: https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bitcoin-attacks

It is not safe to use Bitcoin and other traceable cryptocurrencies. I for one don't want to be tortured with a drill and there is a long list of such events: https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bitcoin-attacks

Some people say the same things about encryption, but it is a very accurate parallel that it actually makes society safer, and the technology can't be taken from "criminals" so you just have to deal with its existence.

I wish that were the case.

Unfortunately, while still rare, there are physical attacks perpetrated against bitcoin owners. I've been tracking them for several years. https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bitcoin-attacks