What does HackerNews think of jitsi-meet-electron?
Jitsi Meet desktop application powered by :electron:
Jitsi Meet is used directly in the browser. Like at this address: https://meet.jit.si. You can also set up your own instance.
A desktop client also exists for Windows, macOS, Linux: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron - kind of not really advertised, provides remote desktop control contrary to the strictly web browser version.
> Would be awesome to hear how they are doing the scaling.
Shameless plug: https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/event/jitsi_scaling/
> so it would really be great to see a supported desktop app for all relevant platforms
We have an Electron based app: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron
> Also native performance background effects
This is in the works, we have to be able to share some news soon!
Or you can download the Electron app here
It seems like they already did that[1].
To avoid browser variations with jitsi meet there's an electron version: