There is a port for Go: https://github.com/jfyne/live . However, the API is not nearly as clean and nice, and it's probably not as efficient as Phoenix either. But overall it's really made a number of applications much easier to build and it has allowed me to avoid mountains of JS.
There is https://github.com/jfyne/live which is probably what you're looking for.
I hate SPAs. I would never do another SPA again if it were up to me. It just adds too much mental context switching and overhead. I can develop fully server-side apps that are lighter, run faster, and at least 20% less development effort (I actually compared that for the same task: https://medium.com/@mustwin/is-react-fast-enough-bca6bef89a6). So why would I ever do an SPA again if it were up to me? I would use https://github.com/jfyne/live which is inspired by Phoenix LiveViews. This is my professional opinion, having many years of experience in both kinds of web apps.
I've been working on a Go implementation if you fancy trying it out