What does HackerNews think of tufte-pandoc-css?
Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
There's https://github.com/jez/tufte-pandoc-css which integrates with Pandoc.
I use it for my blog that features margin notes from time to time: https://blog.kdheepak.com/
Though I had to write a lua filter to make the Pandoc margin notes work appropriately :)
Nice! I really like Tufte CSS. It makes using side notes really easy, even on mobile. And it gives a very crisp look to the text.
I put together a project to be able to make new Tufte CSS sites with Jekyll:
It makes it easy to use Tufte CSS with markdown (including side notes!)
To those interested, I made a Markdown-to-Tufte converter a few months ago. [1] Its still very rough around the edges but you can easily use the Docker image to convert a bunch of Markdown documents into a Tufte-style book. Its mostly based off jez/tufte-pandoc-css [2] which did the heavy lifting of converting the Tufte CSS to be used with pandoc.