I use podman containers with lazydocker. https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker That way my work is a bit more separated. Good tips.
That's from RedHat, so I guess it's yet another fail for GTK.. why not a simple TUI? https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker
I will never understand why people choose to use Electron.. nothing in the program requires a web browser, literally nothing
What happened to software "engineers"?
Tried several gui alternative because docker desktop offer nothing and ends up enjoying lazydocker
Why there are needs to use docker GUIs?
Docker compose and lazy docker is all I need for managing over 80 docker containers , both dev and production
I'm curious: How does tview perform vs gocui[1], that is used for lazydocker[2] and lazygit[3]? I know gocui is less active and has it's caveats, but I would like to know your opinion... thanks.
[1]: https://github.com/jroimartin/gocui
I prefer lazydocker[1].
My needs are super minimal, one or two containers at a time at most. So I use Docker Engine + docker-machine (sets up a Linux VM in VirtualBox by default) + lazydocker (https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker). I did add a function to my fish config to start Docker Engine if needed, load the environment info I need from docker-machine, and then run lazydocker.
Seems to work fine so far for me.