What does HackerNews think of piknik?

Copy/paste anything over the network.

Language: Go

#38 in Security
Extra handy when combined with `piknik`[1] for distributed/cross-Apple account clipboard shenanigans.

[1] https://github.com/jedisct1/piknik

There is https://github.com/jedisct1/piknik and similar open source projects that implement their version of cross-machine copy/paste as a command-line program. There is https://symless.com/synergy, https://github.com/debauchee/barrier, and https://kdeconnect.kde.org/ that can synchronize your GUI clipboard. Browse GitHub topics (repository tags) like "clipboard", "shared-clipboard", and "clipboard-sync" to explore more options.
For securely sharing data online, you may also want to consider Piknik https://github.com/jedisct1/piknik
In order to communicate confidential information using email, PGP remains the gold standard, and it's here to stay.

Using a different tool will just be annoying, and at many workplaces, people just can't install whatever software they want.

Sure, PGP isn't perfect. Or rather "tools leveraging the PGP format". MacGPG is constantly broken after a new macOS update. Overall, all GUIs suck. Nobody's using the chain of trust mechanism (Keybase isn't great either but from a usability perspective, it's way better). And I have to go through my shell history every single time I need to do something with GPG using the command line.

But when it works and you can remember how to use it, it does the job.

From a crypto perspective, it is also totally fine, and GPG has had support for ECC for quite some time.

Besides email, if I have to quickly share things with my coworkers or transfer things between computers, I always use Piknik instead, because it's way more convenient to use: https://github.com/jedisct1/piknik

And Minisign for signing software, because it assumes that people can install software on their computer anyway: https://jedisct1.github.io/minisign/

But for email... I don't see PGP going away anytime soon.

"patent pending algorithm" + "real-time military grade encryption" + misused "Zero knowledge" => smells like snake oil security.

Even more since it is not opensource.

If you need to quickly transfer files between hosts, maybe consider Piknik instead: https://github.com/jedisct1/piknik