What does HackerNews think of mustache.js?

Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript

Language: JavaScript

It's not so much against lisp as double curly is a classic string templating style that is common in web programming. I saw it first with `mustache.js` (first release around 2009), but it's probably been used even before that.


The basics of web programming for websites would be HTML, CSS. Then you need Javascript to do most of the fun stuff.

https://www.w3schools.com is also a pretty good place to begin with for all of those and a great resource to refer to for quick answers for common questions. And I agree with "mtmail" that udemy.com is a great way to learn as well.

Once you understand the basics of how html/css work you'll want add some interactivity with Javascript. For example, create a couple buttons that call a "function" to "hide/show" an element on a web page. Typically your first attempt might be an alert box with a border and the message "Hello World!".

From there you're really "off to the races" and my advice is to start making something (start simple) and learn on a "want/need to know" basis.

Google searches, https://stackoverflow.com, and w3schools.com are all great resources for finding answers about how to do stuff so don't spend a lot of time banging your head on little syntax issues or "how to do something", do a search and find the answer, implement it, learn from it, and move on.

And I also agree that, especially to begin with, you should stay away from "Frameworks" like "Angular" and "React". But you can learn a lot by looking into them and a great place to do that is https://ToDoMVC.com.

But I do believe it's worth while looking into what you can do with jQuery. jQuery is not really a "framework", it's more a "library" of functions that make it easy to do common things you'll want to do. Lots of them can be done with plain old javascript but jQuery is still widely used and offers a lot. And it's easy to find answers to almost any question you might have about how do to stuff at Stackoverflow.

The same can be said for "Bootstrap" (http://getbootstrap.com). With this you can easily make a "Reactive" website that looks great on desktop PCs, tablets, and phones, and it has a ton of built-in features that you're going to want to use and top notch documentation.

After you get familiar with those you'll want to look into server side programming to handle things like forms and connecting to databases. FWIW, I never used PHP and MySQL. I just didn't like the way they worked. Nowadays you have some great alternatives like CouchDB/PouchDB for database chores and javascript templates engines like "Mustache.js" (https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/) to format and display data.

I made a fairly simple "Todo" app using this approach that you can take a look at and hack on.

You can play with it at:


There's a brief overview at:


And you can grab the code at:


You don't need a web server to use it, just open the index.html file in your web browser.

You can also play with a free suite of business apps I've made using those tools at https://cherrypc.com/app/

Finally, learn by making stuff you want to make and have fun with it!

My preferred alternative is:

- mustache(command line) + html

- Firebase hosting (superstatic)

I just install a command line version of mustache for example [1] and run it over simple static templates:

`mustache data.json myTemplate.mustache > output.html`

I only need to install superstatic[2] locally if I want to debug a rewrite rule or redirect otherwise clean URLs work pretty well with a simple setting.

[1] https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/

[2] https://github.com/firebase/superstatic