100%. I use this every day, esp. when editing my music library.
A button to create new files inside macOS Finder (`touch` without the terminal).
(⌘ + Shift + N creates new folders by the way.)
This I just published now, I use it multiple times a day: an iOS shortcut for emailing myself things.
A command-line script for bulk-renaming files (it lets you edit file/dir names inside a text editor).
Basically it loads up the output of `ls` into an editor, then runs a `mv` command for each line.
Not something I use daily, but still handy.
Download videos from YouTube and other sources: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/ (was the only way I could get a video from the BBC site recently)
Chrome extension for taking a screenshot of a full web page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/full-page-screen-c...
Shameless plugs:
Script for renaming multiple files at the same time: https://github.com/ivanmaeder/vimv
Button in macOS Finder for creating a file in the current folder: https://github.com/ivanmaeder/finder-touch
That last one written in AppleScript which is craaazy.
You run vimv and you get your pwd, in the editor, and you can edit it like a text file. Then just quit and save and all of your filename changes get committed to that directory.
It's an extremely fast way to do a bunch of random and irregular edits to a big directory full of files.