What does HackerNews think of functions?

IronFunctions - the serverless microservices platform by

Language: Go

#35 in Docker
#8 in Serverless
> Also everything was new at one time.

Hah, this is a good point, but in my eyes lots of things that were new... never really grew up and were just deprecated and died.

For example, if someone based their setup on IronFunctions, they might have run into a bit of a painful situation, seeing as the project has been largely abandoned: https://github.com/iron-io/functions

Same for a database solution like Clusterpoint, the support for which just ended and you were left to migrate away to something else: https://github.com/clusterpoint

Ergo, I'd say that it's good for others to suffer the consequences (in a manner of speaking) of being trend setters and making wild bets on new and risky products and to just reap the benefits of their efforts later yourself, when things are safer. If a project has survived for a reasonably long time, it's a good indicator that it'll probably keep surviving in the future as well (there was a name for this, sadly can't recall what that was).

> I’m of the opinion that lambda-as-in-serverless is an evil.

Are there any other serverless solutions that you'd recommend?

Maybe a more open cloud function solution that could also be self-hosted, should the need arise?

As far as I know, OpenFaaS might serve that niche for some, though of course there will be no cloud solutions as large as Lambda available: https://github.com/openfaas/faas

Also there used to be IronFunctions, but those seem basically abandoned at this point: https://github.com/iron-io/functions

LXC Containers:

- Koel (Web-based music player; https://github.com/phanan/koel)

- Aria2 (generic downloader; https://aria2.github.io/)

- GPodder (podcast downloader; https://gpodder.github.io/)

- PiHole (mostly for curiosity, I now use full-blown DNS & DHCP servers; https://pi-hole.net/)

- OpenVPN (https://openvpn.net/)

- Pritunl (OpenVPN failover; https://pritunl.com/)

- PlexPy (Plex monitoring; https://github.com/JonnyWong16/plexpy)

- BIND (DNS server; https://wiki.debian.org/Bind9)

- ISC-DHCP (https://wiki.debian.org/DHCP_Server)

- Smokeping (connection monitoring; https://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/)

- Ansible (central host with playbooks; https://www.ansible.com/)

- Graylog (log aggregation; https://www.graylog.org/)

- Wallabag ("read it later"; https://wallabag.org/en)

- Home Assistant (home automation; https://home-assistant.io/)

- Bookstack (documentation; https://www.bookstackapp.com/)

- Observium (network devices monitoring; https://www.observium.org/)


- PfSense (firewall & permanent VPN for some containers; https://www.pfsense.org/)

- Rancher (Docker orchestration; http://rancher.com/)

Rancher (Cattle environment):

+ ELK stack (https://www.elastic.co/)

+ Concourse CI (just to experiment, I prefer GitLab's CI; https://concourse.ci/)

+ Dumpster (my own temporary file upload platform, with additional YubiKey support; https://github.com/nmaggioni/dumpster)

+ Own Telegram bot (talks with ELK)

+ Let's Encrypt renewal daemon

+ FaaS (either https://github.com/iron-io/functions or https://github.com/alexellis/faas, even though I'm actually waiting for https://openwhisk.incubator.apache.org/)

+ Private Docker registry

I may have left something out, some more services/containers/VMs are disabled due to low usage.

They have a writeup comparing themselves to AWS Lambda here: https://www.iron.io/aws-lambda-vs-ironworker/

Also, the OP may be interested in their open source project that allows self-hosting: https://github.com/iron-io/functions

I think the modern equivalent of what you are describing is basically the AWS Lambda model of "serverless" applications. In the open source world, there are projects like Funktion[1] and IronFunctions[2] for Kubernetes

[1] https://github.com/funktionio/funktion

[2] https://github.com/iron-io/functions

Anyone knows how this compare to iron functions https://github.com/iron-io/functions

Looks similar. Docker image with entry point but the entry point is a server instead of process and it reuses the docker container instead of shutting it down

Would be great to get a quick comparison between the two.

Another tool in the same category is hook.io microcule https://github.com/Stackvana/microcule

both iron functions and microcule are battle tested by companies

You might want to check out IronFunctions that was released last week: https://github.com/iron-io/functions . You can run Lambda functions anywhere, can even export/import them directly from Lambda. It doesn't have the burst to Lambda part you speak of though... yet.