What does HackerNews think of exodus?

Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers.

Language: Python

#42 in Linux
#53 in Python
Jokes aside, this is a actually a pretty common scenario for some people, and I wrote a tool called Exodus to solve it [1]. Exodus makes it trivial to relocate Linux binaries like jq from your local machine [1]. You can simply run

  exodus jq | ssh my-server
locally, and then immediately have access to jq on the server. I personally find it very useful when working with servers or containers that have limited package repositories or where I don't have root access.

[1] - https://github.com/intoli/exodus


Exodus – relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their deps–without containers - https://github.com/intoli/exodus

I am not sure how this would work. rsh/ssh may be involved. I wouldn't even know how to express:

ssh carthoris ls /mnt/media/Movies | grep Spider

(this is just an example). Note that in this example, we have two processes running on two different machines. Indeed, the OSs and systems on these machines may be, um... different. Indeed, I routinely include "cloud" machines in pipelines. Indeed, with ssh, the -Y (or -X) option can introduce a GUI to a part of the command.

I have wished that shar was part of SUS. Also, I find that "exodus" is useful (across Linux anyway -- the systems have to be "reasonably" homogenous). https://github.com/intoli/exodus

I can definitely understand you cringing about the re-encoding, but I just wanted to point out that the reason that we took this approach was simply to give a semi-plausible real-world example of how tools like aws-serverless-express [1] and Exodus [2] can be used to build useful APIs with AWS Lambda [3] and AWS Gateway [4]. These articles are primarily meant to be educational tutorials that people can use as a reference when writing and deploying their own APIs. The whole "converting to MP3" thing is just an easily understandable premise which lays out a clear goal for the tutorials to build upon.

[1] - https://github.com/awslabs/aws-serverless-express

[2] - https://github.com/intoli/exodus

[3] - https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/

[4] - https://aws.amazon.com/api-gateway/

I think you should look at https://github.com/intoli/exodus

> Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers.

> Exodus handles bundling all of the binary's dependencies, compiling a statically linked wrapper for the executable that invokes the relocated linker directly.

Their tool which facilitates the packaging and relocation of dynamically linked binaries is interesting: https://github.com/intoli/exodus

"Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers."

For the benefits of others: spent quite a bit of time googling that exodus thing (way too ubiquitous), and I think this is it: https://github.com/intoli/exodus
While we're on the topic of homebrew package managers, I think some people here might be interested in checking out Exodus [1] [2]. A lot of the project philosophy actually overlaps quite a bit with that of qpkg. Both projects seem to be focused on simplicity, produce tarballs which can be extracted anywhere and run on any Linux machine, and avoid collisions without a centralized database. Unlike qpkg, however, Exodus isn't concerned with compilation and does automatically handle dependencies. It does so by using the system linker to discover required libraries, and then creating small wrapper executables which invoke the linker with the necessary library paths.

I could actually see it being used in conjunction with a script like qpkg, where the script handles compilation and then invokes Exodus to produces self-contained bundles with all of the necessary dependencies. Exodus is generally agnostic to how software it bundles was initially installed or compiled, which has lead to some interesting use cases. For example, we've had a number of people use Docker images to install software from Debian or Alpine package repositories, and then use Exodus to repackage single applications to run in microcontainers.

- [1] https://github.com/intoli/exodus

- [2] https://intoli.com/blog/exodus-2/