What does HackerNews think of arraylanguage-companies?

A List of companies that use Array Languages (J, K, APL, q)

array languages are used by several companies for their work. K for example is pretty popular in fintech. Some present companies provide services for array languages as well.

https://www.dyalog.com/case-studies/index.htm https://github.com/interregna/arraylanguage-companies

Lots of financial institutions at https://github.com/interregna/arraylanguage-companies but plenty of others too. (And that's a hobbyist-created list; not at all exhaustive.)
> since they mostly have no new learners who aren't into PL history.

They do have have new learners, that was my whole point. Whether they learn out of historical interest, to become better programmer in general, for a job, for research, or because they need it for a specific project does not matter. (And yes all those reasons apply.)

Take a look at companies using APL: https://github.com/interregna/arraylanguage-companies

Or look how many people use it to solve Advent of Code.

As for learning them as a first language, if we applied that criteria then most programming languages would be born absolutely dead and stay there. I don't think anyone ever learned Elm or Purescript as their first language, are they dead?

I really don't get why people make such weird claims, declaring healthy and obviously alive communities to be dead. Again, things don't need to popular to be alive.

A list of companies using array languages is maintained here: https://github.com/interregna/arraylanguage-companies