What does HackerNews think of hn-comments-owl?

A Chrome and Firefox extension (and user script) to highlight new Hacker News comments, mute users, and other UX tweaks

Language: JavaScript

Definitely not perfect. The default "collapse comment" buttons being right-aligned is pure insanity, IMO. They should be left-aligned so they're all in line with each other as you scroll down the page, so you barely have to move your mouse.

Fortunately this extension[1] takes care of that.

[1] https://github.com/insin/hn-comments-owl/

Also, proper hyperlink support in comments would be appreciated.

For keeping track of replies to my own comments, as previously mentioned there's the threads link at the top of the page, as well as https://hnreplies.com/ and https://hnnotify.xyz/.

You can also use https://hnrss.github.io/ or http://hnapp.com/ to make RSS feeds of various types.

If there's a post that is particularly interesting and you want to be able to keep abreast of new comments in it, I've found the HN Comments Owl[0] browser extension particularly useful for this. I bookmark the page, and when I return to it I see new comments highlighted.

[0] https://github.com/insin/hn-comments-owl

>Do you use browser plugins or user scripts?


I've also been writing a Godot app for HN off an on for a while now. It isn't ready for prime time but here's what it looks like[0].

>Also, what are your habits around HN?

I tend to lurk the new comments page. I check this site constantly, and use it as a distraction from more worthwhile projects. It's pathetic, this place is basically intellectual junk food.


I use a plugin that shows new comment counts since my last visit and that highlights new comments[0].

HN is beta testing a similar feature. I'd encourage them to add the new comment count as well if they haven't.


>What would be nice is if sites like HN and Reddit would offer a preview pane of the overall comment thread structure with all comments collapsed and had a visual indicator about which subthread contains new comments since the last time you checked

The Hacker News Comments Owl browser plugin does something like this[0], I highly recommend it.
