What does HackerNews think of influxdb?

Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics

Language: Go

#37 in Database
#70 in Go
#4 in Monitoring
#13 in Monitoring
#25 in React
Who's upstream?

Open source project and publicly accessible upstream? Yep. They're likely MIT licensed in accordance with the CLA.

Internal company copy of an MIT project? Unlikely unless legal says they are.

If the organization that I worked for made an internal copy of Influxdb ( https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb ), my contributions to the private and internally hosted copy are not inherently MIT licensed too and furthermore don't need to be redistributed.

If those changes were submitted upstream to the influxdata/influxdb repo, and I signed the CLA with them - then yes they would be.

What's more, if I left the organization, then I don't necessarily have a right to the contributions that I made to the private and internally hosted copy's codebase.

Can you explain further why golang is bad for data stores, do you mean cache in particular? Seems contrary to many of the new datastores that I see being developed: etcd[1] , cockroachdb[2], influxdb[3] just to name a couple that are written in go.

[1]https://github.com/coreos/etcd [2]https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach [3]https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb