What does HackerNews think of Obtainium?

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#23 in Android
#30 in Security
> ... there's Unobtainium that lets you update from git repo releases among other things.

Did you mean Obtainium?


Have you looked at Obtainium? https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium It can use apkmirror and apkpure as sources. Along with lots of others.
It may help to just use Obtainium to download/track from APKPure and APKMirror. It’s open source and can also get binaries straight from sources like GitHub and GitLab—or even F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid, Mullvad, Signal, Steam, Telegram, VLC, Neutron.


Obtainium is open source and can download/update directly from source on GitHub or GitLab—or even use directly F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid, Mullvad, Signal, APKMirror, APKPure, Steam, Telegram, VLC, Neutron.



I like how F-Droid enabled the Android FOSS scene but I avoid using to get apps everytime I can. I'll use it as search and get the apps from their source repo with Obtanium.The way the F-Droid team dismissed those arguments is very off-putting.


Slightly related shoutout, https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium is a fairly new app on the block for installing apks directly from source, wherever that is. It supports a variety of sources, including fdroid or github releases. Very promising :)
F-droid should be avoided when you can get an apk release directly from the developer or the Google Play Store. Obtanium is great for managing this.

https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium https://privsec.dev/posts/android/f-droid-security-issues/

For stuff that can't use fdroid, check out obtainium, it can pull releases directly from GitHub, etc. Shizuku is also useful for background-installing apps via some of the fdroid alternative clients (and some apps like Tachiyomi can use it for extensions and other local-adb things), as is App Manager for background-installing apps via local adb.

https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium https://github.com/RikkaApps/Shizuku https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/AppManager