What does HackerNews think of imgproxy?
Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images
Image resizing is one of those things that most companies seem to build in-house over and over. There are several hosted services, but obviously sending your users photos to a 3rd party is pretty weak. For those of us looking for a middle-ground: I've had great success with imgproxy (https://github.com/imgproxy/imgproxy) which wraps libvips and well is maintained.
We use imgproxy[1] for doing the resizing. We utilize open source services for the entire stack, so that you can self-host Supabase.
These guys (https://evilmartians.com/) sure understands a thing or two about images and image compression. I have used their imgproxy[1] (Golang image resizer) for a long time and it has been solid from the very beginning.