What does HackerNews think of DOOM-3?

Doom 3 GPL source release

Language: C++

>As an aside, I find the idea of writing game code in unmanaged C++ perplexing.


Carmack is a great empiricist, meaning he pays a lot of attention to how things work in a running system. All of his engines provide rich facilities for record and replay as well as running benchmarks.

timedemo uscache

The DOOM3 source is here https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM-3

There are lots of facilities for recording and playing back demos. The author could record their own gameplay and play it back in realtime vs running timedemo (which plays back as fast as possible).


    2865: cmdSystem->AddCommand( "recordDemo",  "records a demo" );
    2866: cmdSystem->AddCommand( "stopRecording", "stops demo recording" );
    2867: cmdSystem->AddCommand( "playDemo",  "plays back a demo",
    2868: cmdSystem->AddCommand( "timeDemo",  "times a demo", 
    2869: cmdSystem->AddCommand( "timeDemoQuit",  "times a demo and quits", 


I like looking at much better code bases than my own when I am considering making something. It's weird, but it really motivates me.

Here are a handful of ones that I really like (all related to gaming):


http://fabiensanglard.net/doom3/index.php - A great overview of it, mentioning the third game and its variants. Their whole github is pretty great. Just worth noting that many people consider Carmack's code to be some of the best in the industry. Really worth a read.





The Open Source implementation of Microsoft's XNA game dev framework. Really well loved C# code. And they keep it very clean.


Battle for Wesnoth:

Famous and well loved open source 4x game



There are a bunch of rogue-likes that are open source. It's a lovely look at the evolution of the genre and old school limitations. The genre as a whole is very open source friendly.

http://rephial.org/ - Angband

https://github.com/crawl/crawl - Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

Lastly, here is a list of open source games. I would argue a huge chunk are not that nice. But there are gems in here. https://github.com/leereilly/games