What does HackerNews think of esp8266-vindriktning-particle-sens?

I did it a few years ago, it was very easy to do, and integrated very fine with Home Assistant.

It's not too hard to do, you just have to have the component, and some solder.

The main issue I have is the noise, it is really noticeable (and the sound mode makes it less accurate: https://github.com/Hypfer/esp8266-vindriktning-particle-sens...)

> I write my own firmware for all of my ESP devices and I can confirm, those definitely are the bulk of the work.

I was doing that too for all of my projects. I was developing them as if they were products I could potentially sell. When I accepted that I wasn't ever going to do that, I gave ESPHome a try.

> took less than an hour to write since I was able to copy-paste all of that boilerplate from a previous project.

It would probably take 5 minutes to configure from scratch ESPHome, less time if you're copying from an existing config. In addition to that, you get automatic logging into Home Assistant and deep integration for free.

Using Hypfer's discovery[1] that you could read the raw values from Ikea's Vindriktning using an ESP, I wrote an ESPHome script for an ESP01 that pipes the data into Home Assistant. Now when I'm cooking and the air quality gets too bad my HVAC fan kicks on to clear the air. It took longer to solder everything up than it did to "code".


      name: air-quality-sensor-1

      board: esp01_1m

    # Enable logging
    # Disable logging
      baud_rate: 0

    # Enable Home Assistant API

      password: !secret aqs_ota_password

      ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
      password: !secret wifi_password

      # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
        ssid: "Air-Quality-Sensor-1"
        password: !secret aqs_hotspot_password


    # Setup Ikea Vindriktning PM2.5 sensor
      rx_pin: GPIO3
      baud_rate: 9600

      - platform: pm1006
          name: "Ikea Vindriktning PM25"
            - sliding_window_moving_average:
                window_size: 10
                send_every: 10

[1] https://github.com/Hypfer/esp8266-vindriktning-particle-sens...
The person who did the original hack on these says they are audible and the controller is constantly switching the fan on and off so they reconnected it to 3.3v all the time. So it runs at a lower speed and constantly.

See this link under the low noise mod heading


Author here. I forgot to mention:

With a Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266) MCU that costs around USD 2.00, you can pretty easily make the Vindriktning WiFi connected and get the data to a backend [1].

You just need to solder three wires, and there is enough space within the enclosure to fit the D1 mini inside.

This would then allow you to get the exact measurements and to better understand if the "green" is more on the lower end or the higher side.

[1] https://github.com/Hypfer/esp8266-vindriktning-particle-sens...