What does HackerNews think of CopyQ?

Clipboard manager with advanced features

Language: C++

#6 in JavaScript
Great to hear :)

Re: a new clipboard app, I often see people recommending CopyQ, which is cross-platform: https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ

There are some really really good open source clipboard libraries like https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ . I'd love to see a more cross-platform version.

It's shocking to me how much user-agency I feel like I could get from better control over my clipboard. Whether I want to turn a url into an archive.today/ url or remove crappy tracking links, or whether I want to send a url to another device, or share it... Having a history of things I've copied. The clipboard is weirdly the one interstitial system left standing in computing, and everything else is siloes and isolation. I'd love to see more and more work to make good open source explorations here.

Does anyone know if clipboard managers are possible in Android? I'm vaguely under the impression that by design this is a capability reserved for the keyboard one is using. I'd love to be wrong here.

Yeah, I was also very happy with ClipX while I was using Windows. Since switching the main OS to Linux a couple of years ago I've tried many other clipboard managers and found that CopyQ is the best (for me): https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ

It's being actively developed and also supports OSX and Windows, so it's worth giving a try.