What does HackerNews think of bearblog?

Free, no-nonsense, super fast blogging.

Language: CSS

Could be in part bot activity. I've seen a couple other weird things rise up on here.

The blogging platform for this one is interesting, if you follow the rabbit hole a bit you'll find e.g. https://herman.bearblog.dev/building-software-to-last-foreve...

I don't see that many posts, but it appears to have some interesting traffic on it at present. Worth holding on to perhaps?


Related, recently I've seen a lot of HN links to blogs published using this: https://bearblog.dev/

At first I thought it was a Bear.app feature but it's actually a separate free, open-source blog service: https://github.com/HermanMartinus/bearblog/

Looks like the code is here for anybody interested. https://github.com/HermanMartinus/bearblog

Also down for me currently.. interested to know which resource was exhausted :)

From the creator elsewhere in the comments:

> You can't self host it, otherwise you'd be better off writing your own basic HTML pages or using a static site generator. You can check out the source code on github though https://github.com/HermanMartinus/bearblog

You can't self host it, otherwise you'd be better off writing your own basic HTML pages or using a static site generator. You can check out the source code on github though https://github.com/HermanMartinus/bearblog