What does HackerNews think of ra-data-hasura?

react-admin data provider for Hasura GraphQL Engine

Language: TypeScript

There’s also the react-admin hasura connector if you need more control:


Elm + elm-ui[1] (dont worry about CSS so much) + generated Elm client lib from GraphQL schema + Hasura (GraphQL over Postgres) + Postgres => strong type safety from db schema to frontend with SPA-first workflow; possibly add ReactAdmin[2] to the mix if that sort of thing is needed.

Rust + Actix + Yew (Rust browser framework compiling to WASM) => also verrrry nice vor SPA-first!

Slightly more traditional: Kotlin and jOOQ on the server side.

I also tend to let go of the HTML syntax lately, by using templating eDSLs such as in Elm, or in Rust's Maud[3], or in Kotlin's kotlinx.html or HtmlFlow.

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie-gqwSHQr0

[2]: https://github.com/hasura/ra-data-hasura

[3]: https://maud.lambda.xyz/

[4]: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.html

[5]: https://github.com/xmlet/HtmlFlow

Hasura can stand up almost of your backend without a single line of code on top of Postgres. The parts that Hasura can't handle you implement with your back end language of choice.

- https://marmelab.com/react-admin/

- https://github.com/hasura/ra-data-hasura