What does HackerNews think of replace?
[UNMAINTAINED] Command line search and replace utility
Has the project been significantly rewritten and cleaned up following these posts? Was there some absurd hype cycle for this thing that didn't deliver? Did the Internet get mad at this person for some unrelated reason? What happened here?
False. They did not know she was a woman when they made fun of the code. And that was not the consensus. [1]
In fact, if they had known that she was a woman, they would have known better than to criticize. Us men in tech are well aware by now that you have to shelter women from the real world, lest they shatter into a million pieces.
Your delusions of persecution are staggering.
[1] Here is what they saw, no indication of femaleness: https://github.com/harthur/replace
> Im not entirely sure what drives someone to the conclusion that because harthur, which turns out to be be Heather, is a woman, that by default, I would intentionally discriminate against [Women]. Not every single thing on the internet is about gender equality, or about a minority. In fact, the only reason Im writing this post is because this kind of continued behavior on the internet is one of the primary reasons this is such a problem.
See http://justcramer.com/2013/01/24/being-wrong-on-the-internet...
And here is the relevant thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5106767
I have two aliases which I find very helpful.
- Search Obj-C files:
alias ago='ag -G ".*\.(h|m)"'
- Search Ruby files: alias agr='ag -G ".*.rb"'
Also if you are looking for an alternative to sed don't miss replace[1].Everyone writes crap code sometimes (viz. github.com/007 aka craptown USA). Just because you are "exceedingly talented" or have "well-used" projects doesn't mean everything you write is rainbows and unicorns.
If your project is useful to you, then screw everyone else - why care what they think?
https://github.com/harthur/kittydar is useless but brilliant. I'll be bookmarking it for the next time I need feature detection in JS, and because it mentions HOG descriptors.
https://github.com/harthur/replace is useful but not-brilliant. I'll bookmark the 'sed' or 'awk' manpage instead.
This project https://github.com/harthur/replace is some of the least sucky code you're likely to see in a month of reading Javascript.
When I see a project that reinvents the wheel I tend to think that the author needed a very particular wheel and decided to start with first principles. And even if it seems useless to me - open sourcing it lets me see how this wheel was created, and maybe learn something from it.
And of course sometimes someone reinvents `grep` as brilliantly as `ack` and I end up using it every day.