What does HackerNews think of hyperformula?
An advanced headless evaluator and parser of Excel formulas. Built with TypeScript.
My initial thoughts were how does a spreadsheet do it? but it's a different kind of beast.
In search of a parser toolkit I had come across this https://github.com/handsontable/hyperformula which uses chevrotain to parse spreadsheet formulas and decided to use chevrotain for the parsing.
There was a time when we used Excel Services in SharePoint to meet some of our business user needs. I wouldn’t use Excel again, but back then it seemed to be a good trade-off between time-to-market and usability (meaning performance for most of the time).
Anyhow, we use https://github.com/handsontable/hyperformula to run calculations in our other components these days.
If you're in TypeScript/JavaScript world, check out HyperFormula [1]. There's a summarized design document in the documentation that explains the AST, dependency graph, formula evaluation and lazy CRUD operations [2].
Disclaimer, I'm one of the founders.
[1] https://github.com/handsontable/hyperformula [2] https://handsontable.github.io/hyperformula/guide/key-concep...