What does HackerNews think of Programming-Language-Benchmark?

I found Zig implementation of json parsing is interesting. The code is free from hidden control flow !.


The optimizations both looked correct. Both told the compiler to target broadwell. The fastest nbody was rust, but it was non-portably using x86 intrinsics. Zig has explicit simd vectors in the stdlib and so did better than the portable explicit simd of the third place rust entry. However, zig is using optimized float mode equivalent to gcc ffastmath so it is almost certainly getting the wrong answers simce it didn't use the iterative sqrt trick. https://github.com/hanabi1224/Programming-Language-Benchmark...
It appears helloworld is the only test with any repeats, and it only has 5 repeats. https://github.com/hanabi1224/Programming-Language-Benchmark... (Also, you can't average out the VM scheduling something else during the test, if it is constantly scheduling other stuff as it is a very busy build machine.)

Here's the measurement code, it appears to be significantly more complicated than a simple fork/exec/wait loop but that could just be all the C# getting in the way: https://github.com/hanabi1224/Programming-Language-Benchmark... Note that we are definitely measuring the C# async runtime to some degree. Nevertheless you are probably right that the bulk of this 1.8ms is in the executable under test, and it truly is just bloat. Running `hyperfine ./empty-main-function` from rustc on my Mac gives 0.8ms.

For the spectral-norm one I think it's a failed attempt at parallelism. This code spawns 4000 tasks:

      for i in 0..

It's almost four times as slow as the otherwise identical single-threaded version.