What does HackerNews think of wubiuefi?
fork of Wubi (https://launchpad.net/wubi) for UEFI support and for support of recent Ubuntu releases
You can still do it, albeit not officially supported: https://github.com/hakuna-m/wubiuefi
wubi was also awesome letting install and use Ubuntu as a single file on your Windows drive
There is a modern fork which more or less works https://github.com/hakuna-m/wubiuefi
I wish Ubuntu didn't kill Wubi tho. We used that at my first workplace on laptops with Windows and it was so damn good. There is a new fork [0] but it's a hit and miss with modern UEFI and especially with Windows 11 (had to use it for some reason). And other distros never had an option like this afaik, none does as of today. But I know it's all about Docker, VMs, or WSL nowadays yet Wubi covered a niche segment which was pefect.
A modern fork of Wubi with the support of UEFI exists and works perfectly fine https://github.com/hakuna-m/wubiuefi
It still exists as a fork and works perfectly
Apparently Wubi is still maintained by the community these days: https://github.com/hakuna-m/wubiuefi
In a similar vein, wubi-uefi[0] is a fork of the original Wubi project, made to be compatible with newer versions of Ubuntu-based distros and newer versions of Windows. Upside is that it uses the built in Windows bootloader, so you don't have to rebuild it if you want to get rid of Linux. It's incompatible with Bitlocker though.