What does HackerNews think of css-paint-polyfill?
CSS Custom Paint / Paint Worklet polyfill with special browser optimizations.
I believe the CSS Painting API[1] is the most advanced of the set? It has shipped in Chrome, behind a flag in Safari, and there's a polyfill[2] that (may/may not) work for unsupported browsers.
But the key issue with Houdini is that it requires JS to be enabled before it can do its magic ...
[1] - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSS_Paintin...
[2] - https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/css-paint-polyfill
Seems there is for parts of it already
Standardizing these APIs is a good thing, because it empowers people to make use of them.
Looks like there's a polyfill that lets you use the same paint worklet across the major engines: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/css-paint-polyfill