What does HackerNews think of souper?

A superoptimizer for LLVM IR

Language: C++


> Souper is a superoptimizer for LLVM IR. It uses an SMT solver to help identify missing peephole optimizations in LLVM's midend optimizers.

The pruning part can do a lot of heavy lifting to make it a practical tool.

Related: I work on Souper (https://github.com/google/souper).

Feel free to reach out if anyone has questions!

If anyone's interested in non-toy usage, there's the souper project as well https://github.com/google/souper

It's a shame it's a bit hard to actually build these days. Its target is people working on compilers, not end users. But there are some odd cases where I'd really like to use it myself, like trying to get speedup in llama.cpp.

At any price? You could throw something like souper at the problem[0]. It makes compilation about 20 times slower in some benchmarks in their paper. This is on the IR level, iirc similar optimizers exist for assembly generation, so you can throw that in as another pass.

[0] https://github.com/google/souper

What about superoptimization? For instance, Stoke (http://stoke.stanford.edu/) or Souper (https://github.com/google/souper). They will not find all optimizations of course, and program equivalence is undecidable indeed, but they are a good shot at optimal compilation, I would say.
It depends on how you define "software development problem," but:

* SAT (more specifically, SMT) has been applied with some success to automated vulnerability discovery via symbolic execution. Underconstrained symex has cropped up more recently as a strategy for minimizing state space explosions.

* Others have mentioned register allocation, but SAT/SMT is broadly applicable to compilation problems: instruction selection and superoptimization[1] come to mind.

[1]: https://github.com/google/souper

You can already spend as much as you'd like on optimizations if you are using LLVM. Just use a superoptimizer [0]:

    clang -Xclang -load -Xclang libsouperPass.so -mllvm -z3-path=/usr/bin/z3
, or increase the inlining heuristics..., or just create your own optimization strategy like rustc does [1], or...

LLVM is super configurable, so you can make it do whatever you want.

Clang defaults are tuned for the optimizations that give you the most bang for the time you put in, while still being able to compile a Web browser like Chrome or Firefox, or a whole Linux distribution packages, in a reasonable amount of time.

If you don't care about how long compile-times take, then you are not a "target" clang user, but you can just pass clang extra arguments like those mentioned above, or even fork it to add your own -Oeternity option that takes in your project and tries to compile it for a millenia on a super computer for that little extra 0.00001% reduction in code size, at best.

Because often, code compiled with -O3 is slower than code compiled with -O2. Because "more optimizations" do not necessarily mean "faster code" like you seem tobe suggesting.

[0]: https://github.com/google/souper [1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/rustllvm/P...

Concolic testing


Basically, the problem "find an input that causes the program to execute this sequence of statements".


Identification of missing optimizations in the LLVM backend.


I struggled to find it on my phone, so here is a link. Souper is a LLVM optimizer; https://github.com/google/souper
Here is the source code:


The paper mentions that Souper links against LLVM 3.9, but a recent commit on GitHub states that dependencies have been bumped to LLVM 5.0, the most recent version.

I've been fascinated with recent advances in compiler optimization.

The article mentioned superoptimization. Google's Souper uses an SMT solver (like Z3) to make LLVM peephole optimizations.


Alternatively, Alive allows users to specify rewrite rules for peephole optimizations. The rules are verified with Z3 and then compiled into an LLVM pass. If the rewrite can't be verified, then Alive won't allow it.


And then there's STOKE, which uses stochastic search to investigate possible program transformations of x86 to find non-obvious code sequences. STOKE also verifies the resulting transformation with Z3.


I think this is because the kinds of problems that arise in system design are logical and symbolic in nature and the current crop of "AI" has no symbolic reasoning capabilities. All the current hype is about pattern matching. Very good pattern matching but just pattern matching nonetheless. Whereas when constructing a compiler or a JIT it's more like what mathematicians do by setting down some axioms and exploring the resulting theoretical landscape. None of the current hype is about theorem proving or the kinds of inductive constructions that crop up in the process of proving theorems or designing compilers and JITs.

For an example of the kind of logical problem optimizers solve you can take a look at: https://github.com/google/souper.

So I don't see how you can take the current neural nets and get them to design a more efficient CPU architecture or a better JIT.

There's this [1], there are also some superoptimizers that will save the optimizations they find for later use, such as [2]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superoptimization

[2] https://github.com/google/souper

Seems like work has died down a bit on the Souper repo[0], last commit was in January.

Anyone know what the current state of super optimization compilers is?

[0] https://github.com/google/souper

> I've never come across something like this before.

Have a look at Souper. I believe it's got slightly different approach, but the same idea / result. (https://github.com/google/souper)

Actually I'm a bit disappointed that none of the papers references it (did a quick text search only).

> I would take 100x increase in compilation times for a release build over a 2x increase in development time due to manual optimization.

If you're referring to super-optimization, it can take far more than 100x and isn't something that is being "classically automated" as humans likely can't do it in the first place. In addition, super-optimization will yield better results if you give it a better starting point. It's nothing at all like the optimization discussed in the blog post. Either way, it can be done against LLVM IR[4] and I'm sure it will creep into clang at some point.

So far as using profiling data to optimize code in the way that humans would: MSVC supports it[1], clang supports it[2] and gcc supports it[3]. Supposedly Microsoft saw a 30% performance increase [with a very specific workload] when they tried POGO on an internal build of SQL Server. Under normal circumstances, PGO should net you around 7% free perf.

[1]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e7k32f4k.aspx [2]: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#profile-guided-o... [3]: http://dom.as/2009/07/27/profile-guided-optimization-with-gc... [4]: https://github.com/google/souper

If someone wants to try a real superoptimizer right now, there's the souper (https://github.com/google/souper) project which does this for LLVM IR code. Although the goal seems to be slightly different: "It uses an SMT solver to help identify missing peephole optimizations in LLVM's midend optimizers."

Still, it does compile some pretty big programs as long as you cache the results (in redis).