The Google version of Deep Dreem,
I tried to do the opposite once: to rank GitHub repos by effectiveness of contributions, where effectiveness is measured as stars divided by the number of contributions. Sort of, best things done quickly. With all cons and pros of this metric, I've got these projects in top 5:
1. ievms: Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines,
2. resume: Resumes generated using the GitHub informations,
3. impress.js: It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers,
4. deepdream: Neural Network art,
5. favicon-cheat-sheet: cheat sheet to favicon sizes/types,
Sorry if the question is not relevant but is that difficult to use that project to implement something like DeepDream ( ?
Not very closely. The "inception" in the title of this piece refers to the so called "inception" layers in Google's convoluted neural network architecture. These layers are unique to Google - no one else really uses them.
In that blog piece it was more a reference to the recursive nature that produces that "deepdream"-style artwork. The code for that is available here:
All the versions of this I've seen so far are using the model from Google's github page