What does HackerNews think of cel-spec?
Common Expression Language -- specification and binary representation
XML is overwrought, YAML is a foot-bazooka, JSON lacks comments, TOML gets unwieldy with more than a few levels of nesting, EDN is neat but kind of obscure...
Maybe we need a new configuration format...
Actually I think something in the space of JSON5, Jsonnet, GCL, HCL, CUE, etc, will be the one to win out in the long run. JSON-but-fix-most-of-the-warts.
Then there's things which almost sit between fully declarative and turing-complete. Maybe Dhall, if it picks up a few more language implementations. Or CEL.
Google has a CEL (common expression language) that seems easier to understand and extend: https://github.com/google/cel-spec
Using CEL for writing IAM policy: https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/conditions-overview
Btw google have something almost exactly like this: https://github.com/google/cel-spec
This project reminds me quite a bit of [0] which I'm currently using to write rules to parse tags from Openstreetmap.
Having a standard way to share expressions does seem quite useful, especially when it's multilingual.