What does HackerNews think of project-layout?

Standard Go Project Layout

Language: Makefile

#84 in Go
#76 in Go
Compare and contrast this with the Go Standards project-layout repo example[1] - which ironically is not a standard at all.

Personally I prefer a bit more rigidity in how the project is structured (/pkg/, /pkg/internal/, /cmd/) since it is more opinionated and requires less thinking. Typically my repos won't just have a Go backend but also a frontend too, and supporting assets, as well as documentation (designs, decisions, etc.)

[1] https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout


> https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout

I was almost with you but please don't share that repo. It's a terrible layout and the docs aren't accurate. The issues are full of Go community folk saying it's misleading and looks official but isn't.