What does HackerNews think of fiber?

⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go

Language: Go

#15 in Framework
#58 in Go
#41 in Go
#125 in Hacktoberfest
#37 in Node.js
#8 in REST API
HTMX is incredible, I adore it. Typically, my stack for a web app is a Golang webserver using Fiber[0], HTMX, SCSS, my own (experimental) templating engine [1] and SQLite. It's a sufficiently hype-free stack, in my opinion, and one that's been fairly well battle tested (bar the templates) and is pretty simple. It's a joy to use!

[0]: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber

[1]: https://github.com/codemicro/go-neon

I use Fiber [0] in production for a $4M ARR company and never had any issues even at peak traffic.

Took less than a month to start with and integrate and it is a joy to use.

[0] https://github.com/gofiber/fiber

> nothing really stopping you, but it's not the usual approach

In my experience, if you open-source a project, it better have to follow conventions. Following conventions makes sure someone else can read your code easily.

> In which directory to store files is an incredibly small and minor detail though.

Yeah it's a small detail, but it is important to me to not get lost in a directory tree.

Random example taken from a github search: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber

Is it really ok to have that much source code at the toplevel? Is the code architecture clear at a glance?

For me, it is not, and I'll have to put in extra work (I'm lazy) to understand the code and how it works.

I don't mind doing that for other projects, but for my projects as I work on them daily, it becomes a pain very quickly.

With the performance coming from being based on fasthttp, what does the framework offer on top? The README doesn't really mention any features explicitly (other than soft ones like "secure" and "fast").

A comparison with other fasthttp-based frameworks like https://github.com/savsgio/atreugo or https://github.com/gofiber/fiber would also be interesting.

Or maybe a benchmark along the lines of https://github.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark.

Looking at the commit history (7 commits, most of them from yesterday), the open issues (no way to define URL path variables yet, https://github.com/abahmed/gearbox/issues/15), and the release being v0.0.1, maybe it's a bit too early for a ShowHN?

But if you have a vision of how it will be different and better than existing frameworks and the willingness to keep working on your project, then honestly good luck with it, it might become interesting in the future!