What does HackerNews think of godot?

Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine

Language: C++

#6 in Game engine
#159 in Hacktoberfest
#16 in React
> ...you are requested to delete The Machinery source code and binaries.

This is pretty weird.

Then again, in regards to the engine itself dying, I feel like this is inevitable for many of the projects out there. For example, there was the Xenko engine which was later renamed to Stride: https://www.stride3d.net/

It's actually a nice project, has lots of great features and feels like it should be a more open alternative to Unity, whilst being similarly easy to use. However, compare the attention it is getting in comparison to something like Godot:

  - https://github.com/stride3d/stride
  - https://github.com/godotengine/godot
On OpenCollective, Stride has an estimated annual budget of around 12k USD, whereas Godot gets around 15k USD per month on Patreon. Stride has a bit under 100 contributors, Godot has almost 2000. Godot gets hype on various game development subreddits regularly, yet Stride gets no such love.

Ergo, it's probably pretty easy to draw a trajectory of what the next 10 years might bring for either, with one probably getting more features and development and becoming a mainstay of the indie scene, when compared to the other.

But the great thing is that if whatever engine you use has an open license, you cannot have it be taken away from you (as long as you have all of the actual executables and don't depend on external services).

Godot is the open-source equivalent, and for 2D is absolutely the best engine I've used out of the UE, Unity and Godot. 3D is having big improvements coming in 4.0. Worth checking out: https://godotengine.org/ https://github.com/godotengine/godot
I can't speak Frictional's code quality, but historically released titles tend to be a tangle of hacks and short-term decisions that hammer things into working or being performant, coming at the expense of future developers and correctness.

I do agree that the field is full of great code to reference, though.

I'm a huge fan of Godot's codebase. It's well written, and easily understood both architecturally, and in-method. https://github.com/godotengine/godot