What does HackerNews think of task?

A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go

Language: Go

#1 in Maven
#33 in Go
go-task is a very good task runner. Better than “just" IMO. I am now using go-task with every project. Right after creating the gitignore, I create the Taskfile.


I am surprised nobody is mentioning go-task https://github.com/go-task/task.

It is a great project. I love the management of dotfiles, the inclusion of other Taskfiles, the namespacing, the fact it is an easily downloadable binary that runs the same on Linux, macOS AND Windows.

It is the superior option.

Even [task](https://github.com/go-task/task) (a tiny task-runner tool) does that... I don't know any build system that doesn't.

Perhaps the OP means full incremental compilation, which requires "cooperation" from the compilers, really (or the build tool actually parsing the language's AST like Gradle does, I believe). Or in the case of Bazel, the build author explicitly explaining to the build what the fine-grained dependencies are (I don't use Bazel so I may be wrong, happy to be corrected).

I recently looked at many task runners. I settled on my own personal task runner only because of familiarity. I would switch to either of these if I wasn't so heavily invested in my own tool.

[just](https://github.com/casey/just) [task](https://github.com/go-task/task)

I'm not sure what Run does that the two above don't.

I'd also add https://github.com/go-task/task and https://github.com/magefile/mage (both written in Go) for people who are looking for alternatives to Make.
I would love to have more help with Task:


Usually, though, people contribute to the projects they use. Not only because it's a boost in motivation, but also because you usually need to know very well the project to have enough context to be able to contribute.