What does HackerNews think of shiori?

Simple bookmark manager built with Go

Language: JavaScript

#30 in Go
#19 in Go
#58 in Hacktoberfest
Shiori is nice, and has an extension. You can self host the server.


Are you using all extractors when saving a page?

I tried ArchiveBox and Shiori, but neither stuck for some reason. The latter is a bit more lightweight, it can save the entire page as well as a Readability-based conversion: https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori/

Shiori is a self-hosted bookmark manager that uses tags and it's what I use now. https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori

I've been strongly preferring methods that let me tag items and have a good search - either in addition to or instead of putting them in a folder. If I don't like the "taxonomy" I can just add more tags, instead of constantly trying to figure out the one folder where everything should go.

I can share by creating an additional visitor user, or use the import/export commands. I hope those get built into the UI sometime, but I rarely share more than a single bookmark at a time.

It is an extra step to copy/paste links into Shiori versus browser built-in features, but I prefer not to trust or rely on browsers for my bookmarks unless at work. Seems like everyone wants sync those to accounts without my explicit consent.

https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori I haven't heard of this one before, thanks for the info.

May I ask what made you decide to use Shiori instead of pocket or something else? It looks like Shiori is marketed as a "simple clone of pocket."

My favourite self hosted option so far because it's fairly minimal but does offline archiving:

- Shiori (https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori)

There's shiori [0] that's been linked below, and ArchiveBox [1] that seems to do exactly that.

Share-links on the other hand can convert the page content into a pdf file using weasyprint [2].

[0]: https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori

[1]: https://archivebox.io/

[2]: https://weasyprint.org/

Just today I set this up for exactly this problem https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori

Now I can peacefully forget these bookmarks!

This is the one I'm leaning towards using as well. (Though https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori was a close second.)

Linkding uses SQLite as the database, which for self-hosting is such a huge win. It doesn't do much in the way of local archiving, but the interface looks so incredibly clean.

I haven't tried this yet, but since I have "HTTP Shortcuts" (wonderful Android app) already installed I really appreciated the ability to be able to send bookmarks from my phone easily without installing anything new:
