What does HackerNews think of jet?

Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping

Language: Go

#48 in Database
#76 in Go
#21 in MySQL
#30 in PostgreSQL
#50 in PostgreSQL
#44 in SQL
We are really happy using jet. It lets you write type safe SQL and can read the results into structs- including joins into slice fields.


As an alternative I suggest people to look at https://github.com/go-jet/jet. I had a good experience working with it and the author is quite responsive.

It really feels like writing SQL but you are writing typesafe golang which I really enjoy doing.

My favorite SQL library has been Go-Jet in Go: https://github.com/go-jet/jet

It has a different approach from PgTyped, which generates type-safe TypeScript code from SQL, whereas Go-Jet generates type-safe SQL from Go code

I'd love to try something along the lines of PgTyped and see how the two solutions compare though