What does HackerNews think of glauth?

A lightweight LDAP server for development, home use, or CI

Language: Go

#84 in Go
#76 in Go
> a really simple LDAP server that stores records in AWS S3

... Like glauth? https://github.com/glauth/glauth

Another project with similar goals, glauth: https://github.com/glauth/glauth. it's written in Go and has a declarative config--you can define users and groups in yaml. Makes it really easy to do HA and manage your LDAP estate using Ansible.
Ahhhh, so that's really interesting, LDAP as the frontend to an anything-but-LDAP backend!

This feels like it might exist so I went looking, looks like Auth0 had this[0][1]. I'm not sure there are any open source projects that actually do this ldap-in-the-front-something-else-in-the-back, but you can get very close:

- https://github.com/glauth/glauth (ldap in front, local file/s3/ldap in the back, extensible)

- https://github.com/kernel164/go389 (ldap in front, YAML file in the back)

Seems like this is quite the unsolved problem (unless you're using Auth0). Maybe it's worth using Auth0 only for this. If you're going with the F/OSS solutions then it feels like you could either add a plugin (DB, OAuth maybe?) to glauth, or hack together some sort of system that updates the YAML/S3 as accounts get added.

[EDIT] - Also looks like Joyent has put together a framework for LDAP clients and servers in JS... (http://ldapjs.org/server.html). The raw pieces are there but someone would really need to put them together to offer the facade.

[EDIT2] - Also in go: https://github.com/vjeantet/ldapserver

[EDIT3] - Original code listing for auth0's connector (https://github.com/auth0/auth0-ldap-endpoint), lib/routes/authenticate.js looks very easy to work around...

[0]: https://auth0.com/docs/extensions/ad-ldap-connector

[1]: https://github.com/auth0/ad-ldap-connector