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XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption for libpurple.

Language: C

OMEMO is for XMPP only so not as useful as OTR, but there is already a plugin for it:


The OMEMO plug-in for Pidgin is named "lurch" and has it's home at https://github.com/gkdr/lurch .
the omemo support in pidgin is just through a plugin, as with many recent XEPs. i think people tend to forget that pidgin's focus is being a multi-protocol messenger. it ships with XMPP support, but that mostly includes the base.

i wrote that omemo plugin and tbh I am pretty burned out. so many moving parts, it's hell to debug and i'm not even sure where to go next with it. (plus people keep talking badly about pidgin anyway and i am not sure if it's even worth continuing.) i am very thankful for all the contributions so far, especially the help with packaging it. sorry if someone feels let down.

i feel like this is the right moment to ask: if anyone reading has an idea how to improve the state of things, i'd be happy about some suggestions. the project page is https://github.com/gkdr/lurch

Pidgin has OMEMO support.


This works fairly well for me.

I still prefer pidgin, but it needs a lot of love to make it a reasonably modern XMPP client:

- https://github.com/danielkraic/Pidgin-XEP-0136-plugin adds XEP-0136 (needs "mam_archive" on prosody)

- https://github.com/gkdr/carbons adds XEP-0280 (Carbons)

- https://github.com/Junker/purple-xmpp-http-upload adds XEP-363 (HTTP uploads)

- https://github.com/gkdr/lurch adds XEP-0384 (OMEMO)

- https://github.com/noonien-d/pidgin-xmpp-receipts XEP-0184 (message delivery receipts)

The real pain for Pidgin is the complete lack of XEP-313 due to Pidgin's aged logging system, and I would really like to see a working message sync for Pidgin :(

EDIT: https://github.com/CkNoSFeRaTU/pidgin apparently has had XEP-313 patched into Pidgin for years now. Combined with lurch and Carbons, message sync is working fine.