What does HackerNews think of PJON?

PJON (Padded Jittering Operative Network) is an experimental, arduino-compatible, multi-master, multi-media network protocol.

Language: C++

One idea I've been toying wit (but don't have the skills to implement) is a standard for hardware that's a bit more verbose than things like i2c or serial. I'd like one connector I can plug into a piece of hardware (a sensor, a servo, a keypad, etc) and have it just work. The protocol would have to be a bit more complicated, maybe something like PJON^1, and you'd need to deliver power at a few different voltages.

I've been calling it kitbash in my head, just throw a bunch of components together in various topologies and you're good to go. Considering you can get a very cheap microcontroller for something like 40 cents I can definitely see the appeal of adding a "kitbash port" to various pieces of hardware, even if it means adding a whole new microcontroller.

1: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON

> It needs to supports, out of the box, cloud connected or wifi enabled (wireless lan connected) devices. When the physical layer of devices in the home don’t offer Wireless connectivity, hardware communication modules needs to be adopted to bridge the existing connectivity.

The protocol the OP wishes for exists already, it is called PJON: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON

Until it ultimately relies on Amazon S3 and a commercial network provider all the effort to obtain "decentralization" looks wasted. I hope IPFS will someday run on top of protocols like PJON ( https://github.com/gioblu/PJON ). Decentralization and democratization of networking will happen from the lower end, when the network infrastructure will be ours, and we will not be forced to pay multiple corporations to temporarily store our data or get it from one end to the other. Then, IPFS may have sense.

In my opinion we should:

1. Specify new data link and network standards for decentralized networking over private and decentralized networks

2. Build the networks

3. Start to think about high level stuff like IPFS

PJON supports mesh networking too, it is open-source and free to use, check it out: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON

its address space may be beneficial (more flexible, lower overhead) for many use cases.

You should try to run gemini over PJON https://github.com/gioblu/PJON that could really change the game.
I totally agree with the OP, check out the protocol I am working on since 2010: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
> We need a decentralized web. For us, one option would be IPFS, which is starting to catch on. For the binaries themselves there’s already the option of downloading through torrents.

I agree with the OP Bitcoin should run over a network protocol like PJON https://github.com/gioblu/PJON and a private network infrastructure made by people.

The point is, if you switch just the protocol, and keep the same infrastructure nothing will change.

It would be cool to run one of those P2P technologies over a protocol like PJON: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON until the network infrastructure is centralized P2P is relatively useless, it would be cool to see it applied on top of a private network infrastructure made by people.
See PJON, it is also loosely related to SDRs https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
I see the same approach being rarely applied today, most protocols are done by regimented groups of competitive people that just want to see their idea being standardised, the result is often complex and inefficient constructs.

I do see the folks of the PJON project being the few trying to replicate the approach and the development environment described by the author: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON

Take a look at the PJON protocol that is a perfect example of a local-first networking technology, I am really amazed by the job they did on that! https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
Could PJON https://github.com/gioblu/PJON be used as one of the underlying pluggable protocols? It would be cool to be able to use the browser along with an open-hardware physical network infrastructure.
Made a new release of PJON: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON

PJON® (Padded Jittering Operative Network) is an arduino-compatible, multi-master, multi-media network protocol. It proposes a new Open Standard, it is designed as a framework and implements a totally software-defined network protocol stack that can be easily cross-compiled on many MCUs and architectures like ATtiny, ATmega, SAMD, ESP8266, ESP32, STM32, Teensy, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Windows x86, Apple and Android. PJON operates on a wide range of media and protocols like TCP, UDP, MQTT, ESPNOW, USB, Serial, RS485, LoRa, PJDL, PJDLR and PJDLS.

I am working since 2010 on the PJON (Padded Jittering Operative Network) protocol: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
I'm applying the local-first methodology in PJON, a new networking open standard : https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
Has anyone looked into PJON? I see a lot of work done in the direction of decentralization, but is all at a really high level, shouldnt we re-work the layer 2, 3 and 4 to be compatible with a decentralized structure before thinking about content ids? See https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
As soon as the monopoly will be in place, a decentralized multiple-media network based on a distributed privately handled network infrastructure will be already available. I am working on this problem since 2010, see PJON: https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
I have worked 10 years in this direction, see PJON https://github.com/gioblu/PJON
GitHub page has a much better introduction than this beautiful yet uninformative website.


PJON™ (Padded Jittering Operative Network) is an Arduino compatible, multi-master, multi-media communications bus system. It proposes a Standard, it is designed as a framework and implements a totally software-emulated network protocol stack. It is a valid alternative to i2c, 1-Wire, Serial and other Arduino compatible protocols. Visit the Wiki, Documentation and Troubleshooting wiki pages to know more about the PJON Standard.

Get PJON bus id Video introduction Join the chat at https://gitter.im/gioblu/PJON Donate


* Configurable 2 level addressing (device and bus id) for scalable applications

* Multi-media support with the data link layer abstraction or Strategy framework

* Configurable strategies inclusion (for memory optimization)

* Configurable 1 or 2 bytes packet length (max 255 or 65535 bytes)

* Master-slave or multi-master dynamic addressing

* Configurable synchronous and/or asynchronous Acknowledgement of correct packet sending

* Collision avoidance to enable multi-master capability

* Selectable CRC8 or CRC32 table-less cyclic redundancy check

* Packet manager to handle, track and if necessary retransmit a packet sending in background

* Optional ordered packet sending

* Error handling