What does HackerNews think of open-source-search-engine?

Nov 20 2017 -- A distributed open source search engine and spider/crawler written in C/C++ for Linux on Intel/AMD. From gigablast dot com, which has binaries for download. See the README.md file at the very bottom of this page for instructions.

Language: C++

Any new open-source search option is good, but I also wish more attention was given to prior open projects like GigaBlast[0]/KBlast[1] crawlers, etc.

It hasn't escaped the wider world that quality open-source search is desirable, and it's hard to think what this new EU project brings to the table that isn't already available if others want to contribute to existing efforts. I wish the EU project the best of luck of course!

[0] https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine

[1] https://github.com/fossabot/kblast

A snapshot of the source code seems available here: https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine

They offer "stripped" which removes many tracking parts of the website. Additionally it could be useful for individuals that are on a degraded network connection (different parts of the world).

It also has an API which I haven't interacted with but seems neat. I just figured I would share it.

Gigablast (founded in 2000 by Matt Wells) announced [0] about open-sourcing their engine under the Apache version 2 license at July 30. The engine is written in mixture of C and C++ and counts more than 500,000 lines of code, see the Github page [1].

Some facts about the engine:

The code compiles into a single executable file which can scale on thousands servers.

It is easily configurable and has a nice documentation [2].

The code is very stable, it works in production since 2002.

Document processing is done using plugins, so you can write a plugin for any type of documents.


I would like to see a search engine based on this in the dark-nets, particularly in I2P.

[0] - http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/gigablast-now-an-ope...

[1] - https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine

[2] - https://www.gigablast.com/admin.html