What does HackerNews think of fvwm3?

FVWM version 3 -- the successor to fvwm2

Language: C

> Is there a WM out there that can do the basic quality-of-life functions of today's DEs?

I think FVWM is what you are looking for. Last commit on May 10. https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3/

Fun fact: Openbox, Blackbox and Fluxbox all stopped active development around 2015. What happened in that year?

Another fun fact: FVWM is still more or less actively developed: https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3

If you have a thing for obscure window managers, are looking for massive configurability and have time to sink, check out Fvwm2[1]. Fully configurable using text files[2][3] that can be version controlled.

Edit: apparently it has been revived as Fvwm3[4].

[1] https://www.fvwm.org/

[2] https://satyanash.net/software/2011/12/25/my-fvwm2-desktop.h...

[3] https://satyanash.net/software/2012/12/04/fvwm2-explained.ht...

[4] https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3